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So far Jeff has created 28 entries.

Inn at Crystal Lake Septic System with Aeration

Project completed May, 2011

Location: Eaton, NH
Owner: Inn at Crystal Lake
Engineer: Jones and Beach Engineers, Inc.

The Project involved the removal of an undersized Red Listed bridge and installation of a new precast arch span bridge. The existing bridge was only capable of handling 3 ton loads and unable to The Project required the installation of a specialized aeration septic system to minimize the size of the leach field. The site was small and hilly requiring the use of small equipment and unique approaches. […]

Eaton Home Jacking and Excavation

Project completed Fall, 2010

Location: Eaton, NH
Owner: Private Residence
General Contractor: Frog Rock Woodworks

The Project began as an addition to the existing home. Once excavation began the project was expanded to excavation of the existing stone foundation and creating space for a full crawl space under the home. The Project required careful excavation due to tight spaces between a second home behind the home being renovated and nearby barn.

The Project was on a home that had some historic significance to the area which was […]

Bay Road Bridge Reconstruction

Completed October, 2010

Location: Farmington, NH
Owner: Town of Farmington, NH
Engineer: Jacobs Engineering

This project involved replacing an existing cast in place jack arch bridge with a new precast bridge. The project allowed for the closure of the road entirely during construction. During the construction large boulders (the size of cars) were discovered within the excavation for the new, larger bridge. The Project included the bridge approaches and replacement of a reinforced concrete pipe within the eastern bridge approach. In addition to the originally contracted […]

Cedar Ridge Condos, Drainage and Parking Improvements

Project completed July, 2010

Location: Portsmouth, NH
Owner: Cedar Ridge Condominiums
Engineer: Ambit Engineering

With insufficient gravels under the existing pavement the parking lots and driveways had significant cracking and deformation. In addition to the pavement issues there was also a need to update the existing drainage system. With the update of the drainage system there was a need to rebuild some drainage structures and add poly inlet liners to extend the life of the structures. In addition to the repairs to the existing system, several […]

3/4 Mile Private Driveway, Silver Lake Home

Project completed March, 2010

Location: Madison, NH
Owner: Girouard Family
Construction Manager: Malcolm Thomas

This Project was a multi-phased project that centered around the construction of new private residence. All phases of the site work were awarded to G. W. Brooks and Son, Inc. The first phase involved the installation of an access road to the future home site. The existing woods road had trees grown very tight to it requiring clearing, in addition the existing road only went approximately halfway to the […]

Alton Shores Culvert Replacement

Project completed November, 2009

Location: Alton, NH
Owner: Town of Alton, NH
Engineer: CMA Engineers

The Project required the replacement of an existing undersized metal culvert. The river bottom in the area of the bridge is ledge with overlying cobbles, this limited the capabilities of the cofferdam. The project involved the use of cast in place footings, cast in place stub walls, and precast open bottom box culvert. Inside of the bridge the bottom was infilled with rounded rock. The project being on a dead end […]

Rice Hill Road Drainage and Road Reconstruction

Project completed September, 2009

Location: Freedom, NH
Owner: Town of Freedom, NH
Contracted By: Town of Freedom Highway Department

For this Project we were hired by the Town of Freedom to work alongside their crews in the reconstruction of Rice Hill Road. In the process of the reconstruction new under-drain was installed and new culvert crossings and head walls. The reconstruction required the removal of the poor performing existing gravels, installation of a woven roadway fabric, followed by the installation of new NH DOT spec. crushed […]

Peak Vista Homes

Project completed August, 2009

Location: Madison, NH
Owner: Private Residences

The 2 Projects began with a Home we were completing the site work on, for Leonard Builders, LLC. The first home required the clearing and grubbing, overall site regrading, excavation for the new home, boulder retaining wall installation, septic system, and a switchback driveway to accomplish the extreme grade change. The location presented problems with groundwater as well as overall steepness of the terrain. In completed this project the homeowner next […]

Harborview Drainage Installation

Project completed June, 2009

Location: Rye, NH
Owner: Cole and Holt Residences
Engineer: Ambit Engineering

The Project required the installation of 2 Catch Basins and drainage pipe. The objective of the project was to provide for a means to de-water the yards and basements of 2 homes on Harborview Drive. During the construction ledge was encountered and some alterations to the plans were made to reduce costs for the owners.

Due to the homes being built in an area with ledge near the ground surface there is […]

Replacing the Arthur White Bridge, in Lancaster NH

Arthur White Bridge, in Lancaster NH.
Project completed November 2008

Location: Lancaster, NH
Owner: Town of Lancaster, NH
Engineer: HE Bergeron Engineers

The Project involved the removal of the existing bridge and associated infrastructure. Once this was completed a Precast Ridged Frame bridge was installed. In addition to the bridge, the bridge approaches were repaired and regraded. Part of the bridge approach repair included road reconstruction and drainage. With very detailed sequencing the stream bed was restored during the installation of the bridge so as to allow […]