Project Completed: November 18, 2015
Location: Chocorua, NH
General Contractor: John E Roberts
Project Description
The construction of the pond was to add to the homeowners landscape. The pond has the perfect backdrop of Mount Chocorua, adding to the scenic atmosphere. The pond will be a great place to sit and relax next to on a warm summer night, and a fun place for the family to ice skate in the winter months. The pond was excavated down 15 feet to allow for the survival of fish if the homeowner wanted it to be stocked by NH Fish and Game.
Project Goals
Issue: When excavating at such depths near a small brook, you have the potential of running into a lot of ground water, and we did indeed run into a lot of ground water.
Solution: Installation of a temporary sump pump. The electrical pump is bedded in crushed stone, to help filter out large particles before pumping into a silt bag where the muddy water leeches through the fabric, thus filtering out finner particles so that when it eventually joins back up with the brook down stream it wont cause too much turbidity that can cause harm to the eco-system.
- Securing a Metal Bridge over a Small Brook for better access to Pond Site
- Excavating Material for Pond
- Excavating Material for Pond
- Excavating Material for Pond
- Checking the Grade of the bottom of the pond, to know how many more feet are needed to be Excavated
- Excavated down 15 Feet. Deep Pond but the fish will be Happy