Road Work

Center Street Road Reconstruction

Project Completed: July 2019

Location: Wolfeboro, NH
Owner: Town of Wolfeboro
Engineer: Stantec

This project is to improve Center Street (Route 28) in front of the Wolfeboro Shopping Center and up to the top of the hill at the South Main Street (Route 109) Intersection.  This is a stretch of road which has become very rough over the years and needed significant attention. The work involves reconstruction of the drainage, utilities, and road.  Additionally, there are safety improvements planned which will improve motorist and pedestrian safety.

This project […]

Pine and Lehner Street Water Improvements

Completed: September 2018

Location: Wolfeboro, NH
Owner: Town of Wolfeboro
Engineer: Stantec

Installed Approximately 1000 feet of 8″ Ductile Iron Pipe and Associated Services to bring Pine and Lehner Street’s remaining water system up to current standards.

Three previous projects had brought most of the area up to current AWWA standards.  The remaining sections of Pine and Lehner Streets were upgraded under this contract.


Baran Place Senior Housing Community

Project Completed: August 2018

Location: Eliot, ME
Owner: Baran Place Senior Housing Community
Engineer: Ambit Engineering

This Project was developed to correct drainage and subsurface conditions in a retirement community.  The work involved reclaiming the asphalt parking lot and driveways and amendment of the reclaim to provide a proper base.  Additionally, due to low permeable soils, underdrains were installed to facilitate draining the water away from the base of the parking and driveway areas.

The existing driveway and parking areas were in varying states of […]

Lower Bay Road Reconstruction Phase 1

Project Completed 2017

Location: Sanbornton, NH
Owner: Town of Sanbornton

Lower Bay Road is a main feeder road for the Town of Sanbornton.  This road needed to have significant work performed to repair a very rough surface.

The project involved the northern section of Lower Bay Road and is the first of several phases to be completed on the road.  The work involved controlling the groundwater which was causing premature deterioration of the road surface.  The project called for installation of underdrain, reclaiming of […]

Farmington Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Project

Project Completed 2017

Location: Farmington, NH
Owner: Town of Farmington
Engineer: CMA Engineering

Safe Routes to Schools Projects are projects predominantly funded by NHDOT.  These funds assist communities to increase pedestrian and bicycle safety to promote these modes of travel to school.  This project involved tip downs and other accessibility and safety issues in the area of the Farmington Middle School and High School.

The project involved significant engineering by CMA Engineers prior to construction to meet all of the needs of the community.  As work […]

Ladd Hill Road Reconstruction Phases 1-2

Project Completed: Phase I: August 29, 2014    Phase II: November 1, 2016

Location: Belmont, NH
Owner: Town of Belmont
Engineer: Underwood Engineers

Reconstruction and Drainage Improvements to a main town roadway with a very steep grade (over 12%) and feeder streets.  Work included construction of new closed drainage systems along with grass, stone, and paved ditches.

The existing roadway on Ladd Hill was deteriorating and there was limited existing drainage.  The smaller side streets were in worse condition in terms of their asphalt surface.  The project […]

High Acres Road

Project Completed: October 22, 2015

Location: Randolph, NH
Owner: Town of Randolph

This Project involved Road Reconstruction to correct a deficient road bed.  Preexisting conditions had left the road barely passable and difficult to maintain.  Work included; replacing aging cross culverts, reshaping roadside swales, removing rocks and replacing unsuitable materials. The road surface was turned to a gravel surface in order to save costs.

This roadway had suffered from a poor subgrade with little in the way of gravel.  Rocks were protruding through the pavement […]

Middleton Road

Project Completed: September 30 2015

Location: Wolfeboro, NH
Owner: Town of Wolfeboro
Engineer: Underwood Engineer, Inc.

This Project was a Road Reconstruction to correct drainage and a deficient road bed.  The existing roadway was a NHDOT unnumbered road which was to be turned over to the Town upon completion.  The work included enhancements and repairs to the existing drainage systems and removal of unsuitable materials.  Road work went from Route 28 (Weston’s Corner) to New Durham Town line; Approximately 1.75 miles.

As this roadway […]

Oak Ridge Road Reconstruction

Project Completed: May 30, 2016

Location: Madison, NH
Owner: Village District of Eidelweiss
Engineer: Fluet Engineers

This Project was a Road Reconstruction to correct drainage and a deficient road bed.  The work included enhancements and repairs to the existing drainage systems, removal of unsuitable materials and relocating a waterline.  Road work went from the bottom of Oak Ridge Road up approximately 1,300 feet.

As this roadway had become severely deteriorated over the years it had become a problem as it could no longer be patched or repaired and […]

Frost Brook Bridge

Project completed May, 2014

Location: Madison, NH
Owner: Town of Madison, NH
Design Build Team: G. W. Brooks and French Engineering

The Project involved the removal of a failing Red Listed bridge (in this case twin 48″ Culverts) and installation of a new precast rigid frame bridge.  As a cost savings method and in order to expedite the project it was a put out to bid as a Design-Build bridge.  This project was funded through a capital reserve plan which removed a great deal of the […]