Project completed May, 2014
Location: Effingham, NH
Owner: Ossipee Lake Camping Area
Engineer: SFC Engineering Partnership
Project Description
Project Background
Project Goals
Solution: Although we expected to find a high water table near the lake it was later discovered that the water table was elevated well away from the lake and well above the shoreline water levels. Through the use of sheet-pile and de-watering efforts we were able to install the tanks as necessary. To combat potential water infiltration to the septic systems, tanks within the water table were delivered as single units and coated as single units. All tanks received bolted and gasket covers to further reduce potential storm-water infiltration.
Phase 1
- 2 feet of frost and 4 feet of mud where the new tank will go
- Dewatering the hole
- Hole dewatered and stabilized for the new tank
- Installing a factory sealed 1,500 Gallon Tank
- bringing material to grade around the tank
Phase 2
- Installing the top half of a 4,000 Gallon Tank
- Working within close quarters
- Early start to the day setting tanks
- Sheetpile supported hole for one of the tanks