Project completed May, 2013
Location: Raymond, NH
Owner: Lamprey River Cooperative
Engineer: Provan & Lorber
Project Description
Project Background
Project Goals
Solution: Phasing of all work and working closely with suppliers and subcontractors to allow near seamless transitions.
Issue: Encountering large portions of the project were within ledge cuts.
Solution: The project required the removal of ledge to accommodate the installation of the new gravity sewer main for a majority of the project. With the use of a hammer on an excavator we were able to remove the ledge and not impact the nearby underground utilities including the new water system.
Issue: Requirements within the DES permitting required to compensate for loss of flood zone capacities with the installation of the raised leach field.
Solution: The Engineer, Provan & Lorber, designed two areas where materials were excavated to accept potential flood waters from the nearby Lamprey River. With funds remaining they were also able to perform work to provide a backup generator should a flood shut down power, this generator would continue to power the septic pump station.