Project Completed: July 2019
Location: Wolfeboro, NH
Owner: Town of Wolfeboro
Engineer: Stantec
Project Description
This project is to improve Center Street (Route 28) in front of the Wolfeboro Shopping Center and up to the top of the hill at the South Main Street (Route 109) Intersection. This is a stretch of road which has become very rough over the years and needed significant attention. The work involves reconstruction of the drainage, utilities, and road. Additionally, there are safety improvements planned which will improve motorist and pedestrian safety.
Project Background
This project had been in the planning and design phase for many years. The road had significant potholes and drainage deficiencies. The plan for the project involves replacing the existing closed drainage system, replacement of some water and sewer lines, and reconstruction of the road and sidewalks. This project has involved multiple stakeholders including the NHDOT, the Town of Wolfeboro, local business owners, and the general public.
Project Goals
Issue: Maintain access to a very busy shopping center while working through the middle of the parking lot with new drainage.
Solution: This portion of the project was delayed till after the busy tourist season. The work was expected to take approximately 20 working days and was completed in 17 working days.
Issue: Working within a Tourist Destination with heavy summer traffic.
Solution: Work was suspended during the busiest months of July and August within the Route 28 corridor. During this time work was focused on side streets and other work that would have less impact on the traffic.